Radial K: Our Game Changing Hero

Sometimes a seal is a real game changer. Read our Radial K video storyboard to find out why the seal will revolutionize radial oil sealing.


  • Unique design consisting of an elastomeric body with a wave like membrane along with k-shaped,bi-convergent channels
  • Specifically engineered for use between rotating and stationary machine components or between two components in relative motion
  • Effectively keep oil and grease within a system while excluding dirt and dust
  • Extends the performance limits of traditional Radial Oil Seals
  • Unparalleled fluid exchange through the seal with a flow rate of 25 liters per hour at 10,000 rpm with a 50 mm shaft
  • Constant circulation of pressure media in the sealing contact area means there can be no accumulation of heat and contaminants in the sealing area
  • Prevents splitting, blistering and coking at high temperatures and speeds
  • Outstanding friction characteristics over a prolonged service life
  • Reduces counter surface wear
  • Lengthens the life of the application itself
  • Modular concept allows the main seal to be used in multiple types of shaft sealing applications

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You’ve read the story board – now see the film!